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Core Technologies

Technology overview

3ideo technology provides industrial functionalities for 3D problems by combining data from the ideal shape of the part via the CAD model and from the real shape via 3D measurements.

The technology process the 6 degrees of freedom of each part in real-time whatever:
The complexity of the part (more than 10 thousands of surfaces).
The overlapping of the parts between each others
The noise of the 3D cloud of points

The concept in 4 steps

Step 1/4: From the reality…Step 3/4: From the virtual scene …
Step 2/4: To the virtual sceneStep 4/4: To the reality

3ideo proprietary algorithms

3ideo products provides many 3D functionalities such as:
Automatic noise filtering. The noise could be from the local part deviation, measurement conditions due to bright part, non constant environment light. Automatic point filtering is necessary in cases of parts with big local defaults (e.g. casting burr) or 3D vision sensor errors.
overlapping detection
collision detection between gripper and container
shape deviation analysis
profile deviation analysis

CAD models

CAD models are usually designed within 0.001mm accuracy. The 3ideo algorithms make does not approximate the error of the part versus the CAD model worst than 0.001mm. 3ideo technology is versatile by importing automatically 3D model from CAD design sw like CATIA, SolidWorks, ProEngineer et al...

Software development

All 3ideo source code is developed using Visual C++. Software design is based on 'template object-oriented' for robustness and maintianability reasons.The modular architecture makes our products realiable and scalable for new features.


Many private companies and public organisations integrates 3ideo technologies in their own R&D projectsMore Info